This message is sent to the whole nanog list, rather than the nanog-attendees list, as I'm not sure who would be watching that list when the conference is over.
I stood up to ask a question at the end of Mark Koster's presentation yesterday, but before I got to the end of the table, he was being applauded and leaving the stage. I must be too short. The presentation said that ARIN would be doing a lot of work to improve the IRR. The last I asked, the ARIN IRR did not support the RPSS (Routing Policy System Security - RFC2725). RIPE supports this, I know. Will the ARIN improvements include support for RPSS? The presentation talked about the RPKI pilot, and Mark said that ARIN would be using the RIPE code. I believe RIPE has or had a couple different attempts at this, so I'm not sure what features the code you use will have. Will you have the ability to hand certs to ISPs so that they can do their own cert generation for the allocations they hand to their own customers? I.e., is ARIN going to run a service just for its members, or will it enable its members to participate in the RPKI themselves? --Sandy