On Sat, Nov 9, 2024 at 4:46 AM Suresh Ramasubramanian <ops.li...@gmail.com>

> It’s been decades since the last time I used this option.. and that was on
> an actual listserv run on lsoft.com, early 2000s.

Yes.. Digest modes are generally unsuitable for active participation in a
mailing list.

I think the entire purpose of Digest mode is to minimize traffic for users
who are interested
solely in skimming through everything that was written days or weeks after
took place.   You would not have any good or convenient way to pick an item
out of
a text digest to answer it, and you don't have the latest responses if it's
still an active
conversation at the time you are reading the digest.

I would say you should always switch Off digest mode before posting
and just wait up to a day to receive a new post on that thread to reply to.

Make sure to check mailing list archives for replies during the time
between your
most recent received digest and the Time you turned off the feature.

You may very well find that someone else has written what your planned
reply was going
to say,  and you didn't see that part of the conversation yet because you
were in digest mode.

If Nobody posts to the thread for you to reply to,  then make a New post of
your own after
waiting an entire 24 hours,  but manually copy the re: Subject.  It will
break the thread
in the same way as if you're still using older email software that was
never updated to add
support for the new References: and In-reply-to: headers  introduced in

These days just subscribed from a gmail because threaded posts, keyboard
> shortcuts for email actions and what not.  Makes it very easy to handle
> high traffic mailing lists.

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