We don't advertise our prefix anymore from any actual DataCenter, we still 
own prefixes and ASN and GCP is only place we want to advertise it.

        Dnia 21 stycznia 2024 23:39 Owen DeLong <o...@delong.com> 

           On Jan 21, 2024, at 12:07, Christopher Morrow 
<morrowc.li...@gmail.com> wrote:      On Fri, Jan 19, 2024, 4:55 PM Owen 
DeLong via NANOG <  nanog@nanog.org > wrote:  Sounds like you’ve got a 
weird mix of route origination. Why wouldn’t you advertise to Google via BGP 
and have your prefix originate from your own ASN?   I think in this case the 
customer has their own disconnected deployment, and they are asking 396982 to 
announce some subset of their prefixes such that gcp gets that traffic.   If 
that’s the case, IMHO, the better solution is to obtain a second ASN and 
announce that to GCP. Create ROAs (if you want to use RPKI) accordingly.   
Having Google originate prefixes on your behalf that are a subset of what you 
are announcing is just asking for difficulties you don’t need.   Owen

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