Hi,  We have our own prefix assignment from ARIN. We have our infrastructure in 
GCP (Google Cloud Platform) where we started using BYOIP functionality (Google 
advertises our IPs). We followed their recommendation with ROA configuration in 
ARIN   cloud.google.com 
   but they don't mention if IRR (whois database) should be updated as 
well. I've checked with their support and they said no additional changes 
need to be done there.  But currently we are in situation where ARIN's 
whois contains entry for our prefix with our own ASN and Google advertised to 
RADb entry for our prefixes with their own ASN. When we use online tools like   
irrexplorer.nlnog.net https://irrexplorer.nlnog.net/   or Cisco's CrossWork 
Cloud (former BGPmon), they mark our prefixes due to mismatch of ASN in those 2 
databases.  We haven't observed any routing issues so far (i.e. ISP not 
importing our prefixes), but we aim to sort this out for better credibility. 
I'm wondering what's community approach for updating whois databases 
when using BYOIP functionality with Cloud providers and if there is a risk of 
any potential impact if we were to change information in ARIN.  Thanks

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