On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 7:39 AM kubanowy <kuban...@o2.pl> wrote:
> On Jan 19, 2024, at 02:39, kubanowy <kuban...@o2.pl> wrote:
> Hi,
> We have our own prefix assignment from ARIN. We have our infrastructure in 
> GCP (Google Cloud Platform) where we started using BYOIP functionality 
> (Google advertises our IPs). We followed their recommendation with ROA 
> configuration in ARIN 
> https://cloud.google.com/vpc/docs/bring-your-own-ip#live-migration-recommendations
>  but they don't mention if IRR (whois database) should be updated as
> The roa is really for two reasons:
>   1) tell Google you actually control that asset.
>   2) tell the world that 396982 is permitted to originate that prefix.
> Use of irr data is nice, but not required here...
> This is understood, however due to missing entries in IRR those tools flag 
> those prefixes as suspicious to mismatch between what's advertised and what's 
> in ARIN database. My goal is to avoid it.
> I'm looking for information on what's community approach for this. How this 
> should be handled?
> well. I've checked with their support and they said no additional changes 
> need to be done there.
> But currently we are in situation where ARIN's whois contains entry for our 
> prefix with our own ASN and Google advertised to RADb entry for our prefixes 
> with their own ASN.
> I don't believe to robots at google are supposed to register irr data for 
> byoip customers... Can you mail me off list and I can go do a.little digging? 
> ;)

correction: yes the robot will make IRR entries on behalf of the byoip
custromer... I should have remembered this, but oops :)

> I haven't seen info on that in their documentation, but we did notice a new 
> entry in RADb for prefix that we added in GCP that had MAINT set to Google.

I believe(based on the source code) google will add this shortly after
the customer processes start, and remove it automatically when the
customer goes away.

> When we use online tools like https://irrexplorer.nlnog.net/ or Cisco's 
> CrossWork Cloud (former BGPmon), they mark our prefixes due to mismatch of 
> ASN in those 2 databases.

do you have an example you can share?

> We haven't observed any routing issues so far (i.e. ISP not importing our 
> prefixes), but we aim to sort this out for better credibility. I'm wondering 
> what's community approach for updating whois databases when using BYOIP 
> functionality with Cloud providers and if there is a risk of any potential 
> impact if we were to change information in ARIN.
> Thanks

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