Are amicus briefs a thing in the court governing AFRINIC's operations?

Le 15 septembre 2023 15:27:33 UTC, John Curran <> a écrit :
>Noah -
>I have had serious concerns with the operational risk posed by AFRINIC’s lack 
>of governance body and lack of CEO – and thus have provided updates to NANOG 
>several times to keep the community informed – but now there is finally a 
>clear path to resolution; a situation that I see as far better than the 
>convolutions of the organization over the past year with zero progress.
>You indicate that there is a real concern with the appointment of a receiver 
>for AFRINIC – despite the fact that the receiver is directed by the court to 
>hold an election for a new board of directors within six months.
>(Prior to this appointment, there has been no progress in getting AFRINIC back 
>to normal member-elected governance – while one might have expected the 
>individual directors to work together to achieve this outcome, that did not 
>Could you elaborate on the "real concern” that now exists so that operator 
>community can better understand?   The receiver may not operate transparently 
>with respect to the community, but does operate under court supervision and 
>authority –  I concur that this isn’t the typical way that we’d like an RIR to 
>operate, but it is quite reasonable stricture for an organization that remains 
>inquorate for nearly a year.
>John Curran
>President and CEO
>American Registry for Internet Numbers
>On Sep 15, 2023, at 9:30 AM, Noah <> wrote:
>On Fri, 15 Sept 2023, 15:53 John Curran, 
><<>> wrote:
>Noah -
>Indeed, that was a less than ideal situation – but I will note that the 
>technical advisor was sent away by the Receiver once the Receiver was apprised 
>of his litigation against AFRINIC.
>It was not a less than ideal situation. Please dont take things lightly here.
>This issue of the so called Technical Advisor showing up with the Official 
>Receiver at AFRINIC offices is a real concern to us considering the lack of 
>transparency by the OR on the matter.
>John Curran
>President and CEO
>American Registry for Internet Numbers
>On Sep 15, 2023, at 8:49 AM, Noah <<>> 
>On Fri, 15 Sept 2023, 15:06 John Curran, 
><<>> wrote:
>Indeed - AFRINIC has been going through quite a bit over the few months – 
>including loss of their governing board – but the receiver appointment 
>actually provides a fairly straightforward path towards resolution.
>The receiver appointed showed up at AFRINIC offices with an IT contractor who 
>is a party directly involved in ligitations against AFRINIC.
>How is such an act a fairly straight forward path forward. ?

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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