Noah -

Indeed, that was a less than ideal situation – but I will note that the 
technical advisor was sent away by the Receiver once the Receiver was apprised 
of his litigation against AFRINIC.


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers

On Sep 15, 2023, at 8:49 AM, Noah <> wrote:

On Fri, 15 Sept 2023, 15:06 John Curran, 
<<>> wrote:
Indeed - AFRINIC has been going through quite a bit over the few months – 
including loss of their governing board – but the receiver appointment actually 
provides a fairly straightforward path towards resolution.


The receiver appointed showed up at AFRINIC offices with an IT contractor who 
is a party directly involved in ligitations against AFRINIC.

How is such an act a fairly straight forward path forward. ?


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