One could argue that much of this behavior was the result of most of the internet preferring free, or nearly free, to paying for services so all this jiggery-pokery evolved to try to make money to pay for services and generate profits.
I suppose in theory one could argue they could have charged and evolved all this but it's reasonable to wonder if that would have happened, or at such scale. Or perhaps paying customers would have had sufficient leverage to demand it not be done. Much of the net arises from the question: Ok, no one will actually want to pay for this (or not enough to make it worth our while to implement), so what's the business model? I know, eyeballs, collect and sell their information, track them mercilessly, stuff it with ads, etc. And here we are. -- -Barry Shein Software Tool & Die | | Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: +1 617-STD-WRLD | 800-THE-WRLD The World: Since 1989 | A Public Information Utility | *oo*