> It is totally possible to turn off the spyware in MailChimp. You just > need to buy an actual commercial account rather than using their > "free" service. To save $13 or $20 per month, you are instead selling > the privacy of every recipient of your emails. See: > > https://mailchimp.com/help/enable-and-view-click-tracking/ > > "Check the Track clicks box to enable click tracking, or uncheck the > box to disable click tracking. ... Mailchimp will continue to > redirect URLs for users with free account plans to protect against > malicious links. ... When a paid user turns off click tracking, > Mailchimp will continue to redirect their URLs until certain account > activity thresholds are met." > > Don't forget to turn off the spyware 1x1 pixel "web bugs" that > MailChimp inserts by default, too: > > https://mailchimp.com/help/about-open-tracking/
as usual, the problem is not technical. there is no need for mailchump at all. nanog management has made a very intentional decision to sell my privacy. nanog has come a long way, not all of it good. randy