On Mon, Jun 6, 2022 at 3:38 PM Tony Wicks <t...@wicks.co.nz> wrote:
> >This whole thread is about hypothetical futures, so it's not hard to imagine 
> >downloads filling to available capacity.
> >Mike
> So, a good example of how this capacity is used, In New Zealand we have a 
> pretty broad fibre network covering most of the population. My niece asked me 
> to share my backup copy of her wedding photo’s/video’s the other day. I have 
> a 4Gb/s / 4Gb/s XGSPON connection and she’s got a 1Gb/s / 500Mb/s GPON 
> connection. I simply dropped a copy of the 5.1G directory into a one drive 
> folder and shared it, 10 minutes later (one drive is still limited in how 
> fast you can upload) she had it all and she was very happy. With these speeds 
> its not even a consideration to think about capacity, everything just works.

"New Zealand is approximately 268,838 sq km, while United States is
approximately 9,833,517 sq km, making United States 3,558% larger than
New Zealand. Meanwhile, the population of New Zealand is ~4.9 million
people (327.7 million more people live in United States)."

To finish up the math here, how much did NZ's fiber buildout cost?
FQ World Domination pending: https://blog.cerowrt.org/post/state_of_fq_codel/
Dave Täht CEO, TekLibre, LLC

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