
Currently my organization uses PCCW which we pay through the nose for and I'm 
looking to cut them. This was put in place before me. I was informed that PCCW 
is "the carrier" in Hong Kong but based on my analysis I'm not sure that's the 
case. My analysis of carriers such as Lumen and Cogent put them on par with 
PCCW. Pings to random IPs in HK are reasonable fast on all of them, same with 
pings to cloud providers. Access to mainland is not a hard requirement but just 
to check they all had 300+ ms latency to known IPs in Shanghai and Tanjin.

I know some regions such as Korea or Dubai are monopolized where the wrong 
carrier takes you on a far away path to get a few blocks down the street.

I don't need anything special, just general DIA and good access to eyeballs and 
internet. I just wanted to see people's opinions here as APAC connectivity can 
be tricky.

- Nanoguser99

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