> On Oct 26, 2021, at 9:11 AM, David Conrad <d...@virtualized.org> wrote: > > There has been some effort to create a governance model for the root server > system (see > https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/rssac-037-15jun18-en.pdf) but I > believe it has gotten bogged down in the question of “what do you do when a > root server operator isn’t doing the job ‘right’ (whatever that means and > after figuring out who decides) but doesn’t want to give up being a root > server operator?”.
Unless you actually read the document. The process is that the fact is recognized and documented, the Designation and Removal function advises the ICANN board, they adopt a resolution, and instruct the IANA to remove the addresses from the relevant files, and from that point on nobody NEW tries to usevtheRSO. If someone does ask the company a question, they might or might not respond, and it might even have correct data, but then again might not. We can’t control who sends us requests, and we don’t have a black list.