Bryan - 

One of the things that was clarified with the IANA Stewardship Transition is 
that ICANN has (at least) two distinct roles contained within it: one is 
coordination of the domain name community to develop Domain Name policy and the 
other is the IANA / Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) role serving as operator 
of the IANA functions (i.e. performing the administration of the various DNS, 
protocol registries, and the Internet numbers registries)

The IANA doesn’t set policy, but rather takes policy for each set of 
identifiers from the respective community: a) ICANN DNS Community for the DNS 
root zone, b) IETF for the protocol parameter registries, and c) the RIRs for 
the unicast IPv4, unicast IPv6, and ASN registries listed in IETF RFC 7249.   
David is definitely correct to say that determining what (if any) governance 
model should be utilized for the root server operators is a question outside 
the scope of the administrative/technical operations performed by the IANA/PTI, 
and rather a question that the various DNS stakeholders (DNS community, ICANN, 
IETF, and the Root Server Operators) must ponder. 

On 26 Oct 2021, at 12:25 PM, Bryan Fields <> wrote:
> On 10/26/21 12:10 PM, David Conrad wrote:
>>> Surely IANA has the power to compel a root server operator to abide by
>>> policy or they lose the right to be a root server?
>> To compel? No. Not in the slightest. That is not how the root server system
>> works. This is a (very) common misconception.
> Can you explain how it would work?  Say you have a root server operator who
> starts messing up, is there any ability to remove them?
>> There has been some effort to create a governance model for the root server
>> system (see
>> but I
>> believe it has gotten bogged down in the question of “what do you do when a
>> root server operator isn’t doing the job ‘right’ (whatever that means and
>> after figuring out who decides) but doesn’t want to give up being a root
>> server operator?”. 
> Seems like a good policy, 6.3 seems to cover how to fix technical issues with
> a root operator.
>> It’s a hard question, but it isn't the folks at IANA who answer it.
> Who does?  Doesn't IANA designate root servers and the . zone?
> -- 
> Bryan Fields
> 727-409-1194 - Voice

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