On Sun, Oct 24, 2021 at 9:28 AM Masataka Ohta < mo...@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp> wrote:
> Ca By wrote: > > > First, consider that the 3 major cell carriers in the usa each have > > 100 million customers. Also, consider they all now have a home > > broadband angle. Where do 100 million ipv4 addresses come from? Not > > rfc 1918, not arin, … and we are just talking about customer ip > > addresses, not considering towers, backend systems, call centers, > > retail …. > > Are you saying mobile terminals must be identified by IP addresses? Nodes in an ip network require ip addresses. 4G and 5G are ip networks for both voice and data. I do not believe it is either technically nor economically feasible to run a 4g or 5g network without an ip address on the ue. > > Masataka Ohta >