When you sign a contract with a RIR (whatever RIR), is always 2 parties, so 
majority of resources operated in the region (so to have the complete context) 
clearly means that you are using in the region >50% of the provided IPs.

El 23/1/21 3:06, "Mark Andrews" <ma...@isc.org> escribió:

    Majority only means >50%
    when there are 2 parties.

    When there is more than 2 parties the majority can be less than 50%.   When 
there is more than 2 parties, one uses the term “absolute majority” to indicate 

    There are more than 2 RIRs. 

    If 40% of address are used in LACNIC, 30% in APNIC and 30% in RIPE then the 
majority of addresses by region are in the LACNIC region. 

    Mark Andrews

    > On 22 Jan 2021, at 23:48, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via NANOG 
<nanog@nanog.org> wrote:
    > El 22/1/21 13:25, "NANOG en nombre de Masataka Ohta" 
<nanog-bounces+jordi.palet=consulintel...@nanog.org en nombre de 
mo...@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp> escribió:
    >    JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via NANOG wrote:
    >> My proposal added the clarification that "majority" is understood as 
"over 50%".
    >    And the proposal is denied to be unreasonable by Toma and, more
    >    aggressively, by me.
    >    So?
    > [Jordi] The proposal, on this specific point, only made a 
"clarification", didn't mean an actual policy change. The existing policy 
already had "majority", so unless you believe that majority means something 
different than more than 50% (in the context of the full text), the change was 
"neutral". If anyone disagree with a policy in any region, MUST DO SOMETHING 
ABOUT THAT: "bring the problem to the policy list, discuss it with the 
community, and if needed make a policy proposal". In Spain we say "barking dogs 
seldom bite" and in this context means "if you complain, but don't act, then 
you have nothing to do".
    >> The staff was already interpreting the policy like that, because
    >> usually when you say majority, you mean more than half. Do you
    >> agree on that?
    >    How can you ask such a question. already opposed by Toma and,
    >    more aggressively, by me, to me?
    > [Jordi] I think if we don't agree what means majority, then it is 
difficult to get us understanding among ourselves, so that's why I'm asking if 
you agree that in English, majority means more than half. In Spanish it means 
    >    My point is that locality requirement, whether it is 50% or 40%, is
    >    impractical and, with operational practices today, is not and can
    >    not be enforced.
    > [Jordi] Then you need to come to the right mailing list and discuss that 
with the community. It is not me who decides that!
    >>> The community decided that my proposal to add the explicit "footnote"
    >    Then, the "footnote" might be applicable to *SOME* part of "the
    >    community" but definitely not beyond it.
    > [Jordi] A footnote in the policy manual is a clarification to the manual 
text, and of course *applies* to anyone who signs a contract with the RIR to 
obtain resources.
    >                                Masataka Ohta
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