Subject: Re: Are the days of the showpiece NOC office display gone
From: Tom Beecher <>
To: Matt Erculiani <>
Cc: NANOG Operators' Group <>
Date: Thursday, 12/17/2020 11:59:37
Contrary to what salespeople will say, the answer is not 100%
automation, or 100% humans. The proper answer is an often changing
combination of the two.
I believe the desired combination is automation + button-pushing
ML is not the magical unicorn solution that solves everything,
contrary to what many papers and salespeople tell you. [...]
But which will write Shakespeare first? I'd bet on the monkeys,
although both come up with some unique and unanticipated ways to fail.
Oh well. Back to pushing buttons. Someday my masterpiece will be
Peter E. Fry