On 29/Jul/20 15:51, Simon Leinen wrote:

>     Neighbor           V       AS MsgRcvd MsgSent   TblVer  InQ OutQ  Up/Down 
> State/PfxRcd
>     sw-o(swp16)        4    65108  953559  938348        0    0    0 03w5d00h 
>          688
>     sw-m(swp18)        4    65108  885442  938348        0    0    0 03w5d00h 
>          688
>     s0001(swp1s0.3)    4    65300  748971  748977        0    0    0 03w5d00h 
>            1
>     s0002(swp1s1.3)    4    65300  661787  661794        0    0    0 03w1d23h 
>            1
>     s0003(swp1s2.3)    4    65300  748970  748977        0    0    0 03w5d00h 
>            1
>     s0004(swp1s3.3)    4    65300  661868  661875        0    0    0 03w1d23h 
>            1
>     s0005(swp2s0.3)    4    65300  748970  748976        0    0    0 03w5d00h 
>            1
>     [...]
> Note the host names/interface names - this is how you generally refer to
> neighbors, rather than using literal (IPv6) addresses.

Are the names based on DNS look-ups, or is there some kind of protocol
association between the device underlay and its hostname, as it pertains
to neighbors?


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