
On Wed, 29 Jul 2020 at 14:26, Alejandro Acosta
<alejandroacostaal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> https://blog.acostasite.com/2013/02/publicar-prefijos-ipv4-sobre-una-sesion.html
> https://blog.acostasite.com/2013/02/publicando-prefijos-ipv6-sobre-sesiones.html
> I did not like, difficult troubleshooting in case something goes wrong 
> (however I can understand it's a nice feature to have and in might be useful 
> in some scenarios).

Your experiment predates extended nexthop encoding, but otherwise it
is indeed the very same thing. Just less operational overhead now.

Of course everyone has done 6PE and 6VPE longest time, because
obviously you can fit IPv4 next-hop in IPv6 coding, so nothing was
needed. This extended nexthop encoding only exists to fix the problem
that wire-format didn't support signalling IPv6 next-hop for IPv4


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