On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 10:29 AM John Curran <jcur...@arin.net> wrote:
> > Matt - > > Chris is correct. Those who received IPv4 address blocks by InterNIC (or > its predecessors) prior to the inception of ARIN on 22 December 1997 are > legacy resource holders, and continue to receive those same registry > services for those blocks (Whois, reverse DNS, ability to update) without > any need for an agreement with ARIN. This has been provided without any > fee to the original registrants (or their legal successors) as recognition > of their contributions to the early Internet. > Hey John, I understand that, however my understanding is that the establishment of an ARIN RSA is required prior to the transfer of a block or a portion or a block via ARIN (such as the transfer of 44.192/10). Thus, this would mean that the 44/8 block is now governed by an (well, more than one, now that it's split) ARIN RSA (or LRSA) whereas it was not before. Is that not correct? Thanks!