> On Jul 19, 2019, at 6:03 AM, John Curran <jcur...@arin.net> wrote:
> Be specific in your report regarding what change you believe was in error and 
> why – we investigate all such reports and will correct any changes made in 
> error. 
Actually, I’d love to hear an official statement from ARIN about the state of 
this transfer - it’s legitimacy, ARINs involvement with it, who approved of the 
transfer (if any) etc.

Was ARIN not involved?  If not, why not?  44/8 isn’t like a normal assignment.  
It’s a legacy assignment likely with stipulations from when it was originally 
assigned to the HAM group(s).

From the outside, this smells fishy and reeks of backroom deals.

I remember when ARIN was handing out /20s to shell company spam spewers on a 
daily basis, with fraudulent Whois records and companies that were formed the 
day before just to get clean IP space to spew from.

The drawn out bullshit I had to deal with just to legitimately transfer a 
legacy /24 from an old consulting company to my new one, where you (ARIN) 
demanded we hand over confidential business documents including asset lists, 
company financials...

So yeah, some of us kinda view this with a huge level of awe and disgust.  I’m 
not a HAM license holder, but that doesn’t mean that situations like this don’t 
make me worry.

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