On Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 9:26 PM Jay R. Ashworth <j...@baylink.com> wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "William Herrin" <b...@herrin.us>
> > Personally I've never heard of ARDC.
> Amateur Radio Digital Communications is the name that's been on 44/8 every
> time I've ever looked at the /8 list, which goes back 2 decades or more.
> I never assumed it was an organization at the time.

Yeah... It just seems like holding an asset in trust for a population and
selling that asset without consulting that population (or at least
consulting the organizations the population commonly understands to
represent them) is very fishy business.

Having read their explanation, I think the folks involved had good reasons
and the best intentions but this stinks like fraud to me. Worse, it looks
like ARIN was complicit in the fraud -- encouraging and then supporting the
folks involved as they established a fiefdom of their own rather than
integrating with the organizations that existed. The "appearance of
impropriety" is then magnified by ARIN deeming the matter a private
transaction between it and the alleged registrants to which the pubic is
not entitled to a detailed accounting.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin

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