Hi there..

Chicagotribune.com is coming up from here (Toronto area) but very slow
loading.... suntimes.com loads nice and fast from here.

Having said that, we're an Akamai powered network here so presume
most/all is coming from local caches.... didn't break down each page to
see sources...


-----Original Message-----
From: John Palmer (NANOG Acct) [mailto:nan...@adns.net]
Sent: March 22, 2009 8:01 PM
To: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: Akamai wierdness

Most of the sites served by Akamai seem to be wacky this afternoon from

Probably the March Madness stuff, but its really bad today -
Chicagotribune.com wont load at all
from here and SunTimes.com is missing all of its images.

Are others seeing this problem from other locations? Getting alot of
support calls from folks....


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