On Nov 1, 2008, at 11:37 AM, Daniel Senie wrote:
At 01:20 PM 10/31/2008, Randy Epstein wrote:
If you haven't already seen it, the great Todd Underwood of Renesys
published an article today on his blog regarding this subject:
Just read through Todd's blog posting. Since I'm travelling at the
moment with a Sprint EVDO card as my connectivity, I now understand
why some sites have not been working. I assume my Sprint phone SMS
service is also impacted, insofar as any text-to/from-email will not
work to sites on the affected networks either. The micro-browser in
my phone will have been affected too, though it's too useless to
really use anyway.
If I can find a way to fax the corporate offices of Sprint on
Monday, I'll ask them for a refund on my service charges for the
month, since they're now selling me access to only part of the
Internet from my mobile devices.
I have had occasion to dispute a Sprint charge. To do that, send a
physical letter to
Sprint Correspondence
Customer Disputes
PO 15955
Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66285
(This is for "residential" not business accounts.)
Funny, I'd just checked a few days ago to see if my mobile devices
are beyond any term commitment. Since they are, I will now look at
changing to another wireless carrier at the next reasonable
Did Sprint think about the fact that their decision would actually
impact their wireless customers? I'm sure my business's wireless
devices won't make or break Sprint's profits, but wonder if larger
businesses using EVDO might also raise concern? Is Sprint now lying
about selling "Unlimited Internet Access from anywhere" when
peddling their data cards? Is Sony, as well, by inclusion of EVDO
cards within their notebook computers? I presume their actuarial
staff ran the numbers and decided the risk was worth it, and that's
what they'll tell their stock holders.