On Oct 31, 2008, at 1:44 PM, Majdi S. Abbas wrote:
On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 01:20:23PM -0400, Randy Epstein wrote:
We hope Sprint and Cogent work out their differences, but in the mean time,
we unfortunately will remain partitioned from Cogent.


        This brings up something I've always wondered.  Why do we have
public depeerings, rather than public deprefings?  You'd think both
sides could at least agree to set localpref to 1, and not send each
other anything that they don't absolutely have to until they resolve
their issues.  Bypass them if at all possible, but don't partition
the interwebs.

        Or am I dreaming of ponies again?


If Sprint is upset that Cogent is sending Sprint much more traffic than Sprint is sending Cogent, how does Sprint sending Cogent even less traffic (and making the ratio even worse) help Sprint? Why would Cogent care?


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