On Oct 31, 2008, at 7:47 AM, Nick Hilliard wrote:

The most interesting part of the press release to me is:

In the over 1300 on-net locations worldwide where Cogent provides service, Cogent is offering every Sprint-Nextel wireline customer that is unable to connect to Cogent's customers a free 100 megabit per second connection to the Internet for as long as Sprint continues to keep this partitioning of the Internet in place. Unfortunately, there is no way that Cogent can do
the same for the wireless customers of Sprint-Nextel.

This wasn't the first time Cogent offered something similar. They did the
same thing when Level3 depeered them.

And they'll do it to others in future peering spats. It's just a bullying tactic - entertaining if you're on the sideline; irritating if you're Sprint.

I would regard this as a good sales tactic. I don't see bullying.


Cogent reminds me of Ethan Coen's poem, which starts:

        The loudest has the final say,
        The wanton win, the rash hold sway,
        The realist's rules of order say
        The drunken driver has the right of way.


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