On 22-09-07 01:00, raf via Mutt-users wrote:
On Mon, Sep 05, 2022 at 10:45:09PM -0400, Kurt Hackenberg  > <k...@panix.com> wrote: 
> > > I expect it is done in mutt because it
must be done (for transport), > and it would be a mistake to assume that
it will be done by the > editor, whatever editor it is. I don't think
that mutt makes any > assumptions about which editor is used.
An editor is required for replies only - which can be configured to use

But most of the time you read only. Then you do not need an editor,
which is much more powerful.

But I think the real problem with format=flowed, and possibly the  > reason why 
the large corporate web-based mail providers don't
support > it is that it's not sufficiently trivial to make it happen.
I feel most of f=f is pretty straight foward. In fact, translating plain
text to html appears to be more complicated that flowed to html, while
html to html is the most complicated task, when you filter out bogus
code and want to apply the local styles.

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