On 2022-08-29, Kurt Hackenberg wrote:
> Maybe text/plain format=flowed is a solution.  It's displayed 
> correctly by software that assumes format=fixed (on a screen that's 
> wide enough), and at any width by software that understands 
> format=flowed.  Mutt can display format=flowed correctly at any width, 
> if it's configured to.
> Do phone mail readers understand text/plain format=flowed?

No, format=flowed sounds like the perfect solution but I've tested and
as far as I can tell it's ignored by gmail on Android, for example.

If we can't even get format=flowed supported, then a new MIME type is
probably not a workable solution :)

I think it sounds like turning off linewrap is the only realistic
solution... I'm not happy about it, but I think it's time. I heard two
solutions for "fake" wrapping while composing:

1. Write it however you like, just pipe it through par(1) before
   sending. I admit I didn't realize just how powerful par was, this
   could work.

2. Fake it in vim, this is what I currently do. Here is the (hacky)
   solution I was using:

    " 998 is the maximum possible line length in SMTP.
    " 80 is where you want the fake wrap.
    set wiw=80 tw=998
    " This forces vim to wrap by creating an empty split.
    wincmd w
    " Now there are two windows though, so you need
    to use qa instead of q.
    cabbrev q <c-r>=(getcmdtype()==':' &&
            getcmdpos()==1 ? 'qa' : 'q')<CR>
    cabbrev wq <c-r>=(getcmdtype()==':' &&
            getcmdpos()==1 ? 'wqa' : 'wq')<CR>

I saw someone else posted a different solution, I'll see if that one
works better.


 _o)            $ lynx lock.cmpxchg8b.com
 /\\  _o)  _o)  $ finger tav...@sdf.org
_\_V _( ) _( )  @taviso

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