On Thu, Sep 01, 2022 at 08:20:21AM +0200, Angel M Alganza <a...@ugr.es> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 05:22:48PM -0400, Kurt Hackenberg wrote:
> > Very long lines -- one line per paragraph -- changes the meaning of
> After top posting that is probably the most annoying thing on email.
> And from what I can tell reading this thread, there will always be some
> nasty software and some people who will insist on doing that.
> So, is there a way to instruct Mutt to wrap received mail with long
> lines to wrap them for me at a sane length so that I don't have to suffer
> those ridiculous long lines?

I have this in ~/.muttrc:

  set markers = no
  set wrap = -5

which wraps lines at 5 columns in from the right. You can
also use a positive number to specify an absolute amount.
Turning markers off means that wrapped lines won't start with
a "+" character. HAving the + there might be preferable. I
remove them so I can copy and paste multi-line wrapped URLs
into another window to be opened locally (the email is read
remotely via ssh to a vm).

So maybe try something like:

  set wrap = 72
  set smart_wrap

There are other muttrc variables to look into: e.g. smart_wrap
That looks good. I might add that. It wraps at word boundaries.

> Of course I can reduce the with of the frame on Notion (my window
> manager) where I run Mutt to force the wrapping, but I'd rather keep the
> size I use for everything else and have Mutt wrapping the text for me.
> Cheers.
> Ángel


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