On Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 12:09:01PM +0100, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> El día sábado, marzo 12, 2022 a las 10:05:35 +0100, Joerg Dorchain
> escribió:
> > Let's go through that:
> > 
> > - An SPF-entry has to be created in the unixarea.de domain, I would assume 
> > you can do that via the
> >   interface of 1blu.de
> > 
> > - DKIM-headers can be inserted locally. If you do that with a selector 
> > under the unixarea.de domain, you
> >   have to add the corresponding key in the zone. I would assume you can do 
> > that via the interface of 1blu.de
> >   Alternatively dkim can be implemented at the 1blu.de MTA, which in turn 
> > is solely at their discretion.
> > 
> > - Same for a DMARC-entry.
> > 
> > This would make most sense when you enable DNSSEC for the unixarea.de 
> > domain.  Check here:
> > https://dnsviz.net/d/unixarea.de/dnssec/ I would assume you can do that via 
> > the interface of 1blu.de.
> > 
> Joerg, 1blu is a German ISP where I have rented:
> - a domain 'unixare.de'
> - a web space www.unixarea.de on some of its servers
> - a mail addr g...@unixarea.de which ends up in mbox on its servers and I can
>   read mail with IMAP or some webmail software; and I can send mail with
>   SMTP to one its MTA (smt.1blu.de)
> - SSH access to an unpriv account on the server to put/get files to/from
>   the web space www.unixarea.de
> I have no access to any DNS configurations and so I do not see how to
> follow your hints.

That then sounds like talking to their support and eventually reconsidering 
your position to 1blu or

You are definitivly not the only one having problems with mail from or to gmail 



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