El día sábado, marzo 12, 2022 a las 10:05:35 +0100, Joerg Dorchain escribió:

> Let's go through that:
> - An SPF-entry has to be created in the unixarea.de domain, I would assume 
> you can do that via the
>   interface of 1blu.de
> - DKIM-headers can be inserted locally. If you do that with a selector under 
> the unixarea.de domain, you
>   have to add the corresponding key in the zone. I would assume you can do 
> that via the interface of 1blu.de
>   Alternatively dkim can be implemented at the 1blu.de MTA, which in turn is 
> solely at their discretion.
> - Same for a DMARC-entry.
> This would make most sense when you enable DNSSEC for the unixarea.de domain. 
>  Check here:
> https://dnsviz.net/d/unixarea.de/dnssec/ I would assume you can do that via 
> the interface of 1blu.de.

Joerg, 1blu is a German ISP where I have rented:

- a domain 'unixare.de'
- a web space www.unixarea.de on some of its servers
- a mail addr g...@unixarea.de which ends up in mbox on its servers and I can
  read mail with IMAP or some webmail software; and I can send mail with
  SMTP to one its MTA (smt.1blu.de)
- SSH access to an unpriv account on the server to put/get files to/from
  the web space www.unixarea.de

I have no access to any DNS configurations and so I do not see how to
follow your hints.

Thanks anyway

Matthias Apitz, ✉ g...@unixarea.de, http://www.unixarea.de/ +49-176-38902045
Public GnuPG key: http://www.unixarea.de/key.pub

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