On 12Feb2021 23:25, boB Stepp <robertvst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>On 21/02/13 08:01AM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
>>I pull everything from my c...@cskk.id.au inbox, deleting it. But my 
>>filing forwards a suite of messages to a separate account which is for
>>my phone. So anything important sends a copy back out to the cloud.
>>Well, a personal external server. Um, in the cloud :-(
>>Likewise, any email I reply to sends the source message and the reply to
>>that account.
>>In this way my phone has access to a copy of the critical stuff and also
>>any ongoing email discussions.
>So it seems you only concern yourself in keeping relatively current emails
>accessible to your phone?

Well I pretty much never purge it, so old stuff too.

>You haven't had occasion to need something from a
>while back to fetch on your phone that suddenly becomes needed?

Well, the phone account is meant to have "relevant" stuff rather than 
the dross comprising most email. So my filer forwards:
- everything it flags on arrival
- everything I send/reply
- the source message of anything I reply to

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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