On 01Feb2021 03:32, ಚಿರಾಗ್ ನಟರಾಜ್ <mailingl...@chiraag.me> wrote:
>12021/00/30 09:27.95 ನಲ್ಲಿ, boB Stepp <robertvst...@gmail.com> ಬರೆದರು:
>> 2)  I would like to remove all email storage from the cloud, that is,
>> whether Gmail or ProtonMail, once I have my mail on my local PC I want to
>> delete it from those accounts.  What would be the best way to do this?
>If you use a separate mail syncing program like fetchmail or mbsync or 
>whatever, you can tell it to delete emails on the server after 
>(successfully!) fetching them. Personally, I don't know that I would 
>recommend that, simply because you never know when you might actually 
>need access to your emails from e.g. your phone.

I use a comprimise here.

I pull everything from my c...@cskk.id.au inbox, deleting it. But my mail 
filing forwards a suite of messages to a separate account which is for 
my phone. So anything important sends a copy back out to the cloud.  
Well, a personal external server. Um, in the cloud :-(

Likewise, any email I reply to sends the source message and the reply to 
that account.

In this way my phone has access to a copy of the critical stuff and also 
any ongoing email discussions.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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