On 12Feb2021 22:53, boB Stepp <robertvst...@gmail.com> wrote: >On 21/02/13 08:11AM, Cameron Simpson wrote: >>I would guess your PC does not have a mail system installed. So cron >>cannot deliver the cron job output by email. > >I was aware that a cron job could email its output, but I thought I would have >to explicitly set that up. Is this not the case? In any event I do not know >enough at this time to do this, so I haven't done so. But if your hypothesis >is correct and it is trying to email me, but finding no MTA to enable it to do >so, why don't I *always* get this message?
Cron only sends email when the job's output is not empty. Silent jobs do not try to send email. Is that plausible? >>One of the benefits of have a local email system is getting stuff from >>cron et al. Also, you can use it for spooling - if mutt sends via the >>local email system you can send when offline - it will just queue. >> >>>One concern based on earlier discussion in this thread. I am now using >>>msmtp as my MTA client. What will happen if I send an email when, for >>>whatever reason, Gmail connectivity is broken? Will it get resent? >> >>I don't know. What does its manual say? [...] >reading the past few days! My head is spinning chock full of half-understood >information about multiple email software and topics!! [...] >As far as I have been able to tell from the man pages msmtp will attempt to >send me a notification email in the event of delivery failure. AFAICT, there >is no explicit mention of msmtp trying to resend the email. Also it is not >clear to me if delivery failure includes not being able to connect to the >Internet. It did say it uses standard exit codes, but I did not see how it >would act in this instance. Looks to me like it does not queue: % (echo To: c...@cskk.id.au; echo From: cs; echo Subject: msmtp test;echo;echo 1) | msmtp --host=bogushost.example.com --from=c...@cskk.id.au -t c...@cskk.id.au msmtp: cannot locate host bogushost.example.com: nodename nor servname provided, or not known msmtp: could not send mail Caveat: I have no msmtp config - that's a bare command line test. There's a package called "nullmailer" which can be used as your system MTA - it is intended for systems with a smarthost - upstream SMTP server, exactly what you msmtp setup will be using. But it has a queue. You could install it without changing your mutt/msmtp setup at all. If it works for you, you could then switch to having mutt use the local sendmail command (the default) instead of msmtp. Looks like its config lives in /usr/local/etc/nullmailer. Source: https://github.com/bruceg/nullmailer Install: https://github.com/bruceg/nullmailer/blob/master/INSTALL Man page for nullmailer-send, which describes the config settings: https://github.com/bruceg/nullmailer/blob/master/doc/nullmailer-send.8 Disclaimer: I've not used it. Cheers, Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>