On 21/02/14 10:52AM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
On 12Feb2021 23:20, boB Stepp <robertvst...@gmail.com> wrote:
something I like working with notmuch.  I wish I could use notmuch's tagging
capabilities from within Mutt in the sense of adding multiple tags to a single
email or a set of tagged emails.  But the only example of an approach is to
try to adapt the macro I cited earlier in this thread which deletes the inbox
tag.  I see how to modify this to do *one* tag, but that would be hard-coded
and not very flexible or useful.  I'm sure there must be a way to write a
macro to allow for me to enter multiple tags for notmuch, but I don't know
enough about Mutt macros to see a way forwards yet.
"notmuch tag" itself accepts multiple tags. Write a small shell script
to prompt for the tags to change (in the same form as notmuch expects
i.e. +tag and -tag) which then invokes notmuch.

If you mean this macro:

   macro index <F6> \
    "<enter-command>set my_old_pipe_decode=\$pipe_decode
     my_old_wait_key=\$wait_key nopipe_decode nowait_key<enter>\
      <pipe-message>notmuch-mutt tag -- -inbox<enter>\
       <enter-command>set pipe_decode=\$my_old_pipe_decode
        wait_key=\$my_old_wait_key<enter>" \
         "notmuch: remove message from inbox"


   - saves the pipe_decode and wait_key settings, and turns them off
   - pipes the current message through notmuch-mutt to remove the
     "inbox" tag
   - restores the old pipe_decode and wait_key settings

The $my_blah= is a standard mutt hack because there's no "push temporary
setting or value", and there are no settings called my_*. So people use
$my_blah for "user variables".

Piping the whole message through notmuch lets notmuch-mutt get the
message-id in order to know which item to tag or untag. The it passes
"id:$mid" to notmuch, where $mid is the message id.

That's the mechanism.
This is all starting to make sense.  With the suggestions below I think I
might be able to attack this.  Many thanks, Cameron!

To tag things interactively you have 2 issues:
- specifying the messages to tag
- specifying the tag changes

For the latter I'd have a shell script which prompted for that, then ran

For the former, from inside mutt, I'd think there are 2 ways forward.
With a single message you can just pipe it straight into the script,
like the above macro does. With multiple messages I think I would tag
them, and pipe all of them _separately_ through the script.

Now, there are some ways to make that more convenient, particularly
these settings:

   set auto_tag=yes
   set pipe_split=yes

auto_tag=yes causes mutt to apply commands to all tagged messages (if
any) or just the current message (if nothing tagged).

pipe_split=yes causes mutt to run separate pipes per message when it
pipes multiple messages, instead of concatenating them and running one
pipe. You want that for notmuch-mutt.

The notmuch-mutt script in the example above expects exactly one message
on its input, _entirely_ to grab its message-id. So we want
pipe_split-yes to invoke the script once for each message.

Regarding prompting, I'd write a script like this (untested):

   set -ue
   echo -n "Enter tags to change (-tag, +tag): " >/dev/tty
   read tags </dev/tty
   set -x
   exec notmuch-mutt tag -- $tags

and stick that in your macro above instead of "notmuch-mutt tag --

Then you should be able to (mutt) tag some messages and run the macro to
update the notmuch tags interactively via the above script.

It should be possible to batch this instead of invoking notmuch-mutt
many times. Since we can't get message-ids out of mutt itself easily
(hence notmuch-mutt reading the message itself to do that) we could try
setting pipe_split=no and writing out own script to suck in multiple
message-ids, then pass them all to "notmuch tag".

You might also benefit from a mutt macro, again via a script like the
above, to prompt for both tags and (separately) notmuch search terms,
then to just invoke "notmuch tag" with those, skipping notmuch-mutt

See "notmuch help search-terms" for what you can use.
Wishing you only the best,

boB Stepp

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