On 2021-02-09 17:23:03, Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 09, 2021 at 22:18:08 +0100, Øyvind A. Holm wrote:
> > Using Mutt 1.10.1 (2018-07-13). Yes, it's kinda old and I've tried 
> > to compile a newer Mutt, but modern Mutts won't work properly with 
> > Gmail. When I send to my Gmail address, the mail doesn't appear in 
> > my inbox, only in Sent.
> You might trying setting $fcc_before_send and see if that solves it.

Yess maaan, that was it. Now the mails show up both in my inbox and 
Sent. Thank you so much.

> I suspect fcc'ing after sending (which Mutt 12.0 switched to), GMail 
> is ignoring the Fcc copy to a mailbox when the SMTP server has already 
> stored the message in "Sent Items".

You're 100% spot on. I saw something about it when I tried to find the 
problem the other day, but because the results varied I thought I'd 
messed up git bisect. So it seems as it worked all the time, the mails 
got actually sent. It was only Gmail fooling around a bit.

Håhåyyy (Norwegian happy sound), now I can check out the sidebar and 
other new interesting stuff.


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