On Tue, Feb 09, 2021 at 10:18:08PM +0100, Øyvind A. Holm wrote:
Using Mutt 1.10.1 (2018-07-13). Yes, it's kinda old and I've tried to
compile a newer Mutt, but modern Mutts won't work properly with Gmail.
When I send to my Gmail address, the mail doesn't appear in my inbox,
only in Sent.

You might trying setting $fcc_before_send and see if that solves it.

Alternatively, check if there is a GMail setting to disable automatic saving to "Sent Items" when you use their SMTP server.

I suspect fcc'ing after sending (which Mutt 12.0 switched to), GMail is ignoring the Fcc copy to a mailbox when the SMTP server has already stored the message in "Sent Items".

Kevin J. McCarthy
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