Team, I get the error “no authenticators available”  when trying to send Gmail 
with Mutt.  Welcome fixes, rc improvements!  

Specifics:  Mutt 2.05 on Mac.  New install.  I can read the inbox.  My password 
is the app-specific password.  .muttrc below.


set realname = “me"
set from = “ <>"
set use_from = yes
set envelope_from = yes

set smtp_url = "smtps:// 
set smtp_pass = “pwd"
set imap_user = <>"
set imap_pass = “pwd"
set folder = "imaps:// <imaps://>"
set spoolfile = "+INBOX"
set ssl_force_tls = yes

# to get mail
bind index G imap-fetch-mail
set editor = "nano"
set charset = "utf-8"
set record = ''
set mail_check = 30

macro index,pager \cb "<pipe-message> urlscan<Enter>" "call urlscan to extract 
URLs out of a message"

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