On 2020-11-21 00:10, Cameron Simpson wrote:

How about something like this:

  The draft file is expected to contain just the email.
  It is not an mbox file. However, if an mbox From_ header
  is present, it will be accepted.

Hmm. Pretty wordy. But not bad. How about:

    The draft file is expected to contain just an RFC822 email:
    headers and a body. Although it is not an mbox file, if an mbox "From
    " pseudo-header is present, it will be silently discarded.

I like this approach. However, please don't call it a "pseudo-header". That still sounds like it's kinda sorta part of RFC 822. It's not, at all. It's not even legal syntax for a header (because there's no ':'). It usually called a "From " line or From_ line.

'...if an mbox "From " line is present...'

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