On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 09:28:41AM -0700, Akkana Peck wrote:
> Todd Zullinger writes:
> > http://www.mutt.org/doc/manual/#display-munging
> > 
> > subjectrx was added in 1.8.0, it seems.
> That's wonderful! Something I've been wishing for for a long time.
> But the example in the manual doesn't work for me in 1.9.3
> (on Debian testing, but I think that's back to being normal mutt,
> not neomutt, right?). This line in muttrc:
>   subjectrx '\[[^\]]*\]? *' '%L%R'

Looks like the example might be wrong in the manual, unless there are
regexp library differences.  Because ']' is first in the character
class (after the negation), it shouldn't need to be escaped.  This works
for me:
    subjectrx '\[[^]]*\]:? *' '%L%R'

If that works for you all, I'll fix up the manual example.


Kevin J. McCarthy
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