* Akkana Peck <akk...@shallowsky.com> [02-28-18 11:50]: > Todd Zullinger writes: > > http://www.mutt.org/doc/manual/#display-munging > > > > subjectrx was added in 1.8.0, it seems. > > That's wonderful! Something I've been wishing for for a long time. > > But the example in the manual doesn't work for me in 1.9.3 > (on Debian testing, but I think that's back to being normal mutt, > not neomutt, right?). This line in muttrc: > subjectrx '\[[^\]]*\]? *' '%L%R' > changes > "Re: [LongListName] blah blah" > to > "Re: ongListName] blah blah" > > In other words, the first * is ignored and it matches only one > character after the open bracket. I've tried replacing the * with > +, with {1,} and with {0,} but none of them work: * and {1,} match > one character while + and {1,} don't match anything and do don't > do any substitution. > > The feature is still great, because I don't strictly need the regex > -- I can make explicit matches for the few really long list names > that are causing problems -- but I wonder why the example in the > manual isn't working. > > Also, is it possible to escape a quote? I have one set of emails > that come through with an apostrophe, like > Subject: [Don't care about this super long list ID] blah blah > > Escaping within single quotes, like this: > subjectrx 'Don\'t care about this super long list ID]' '%LDONT%R' > gives an "about: unknown command" error. > > The workaround of using double quotes works fine: > subjectrx "Don't care about this super long list ID]" '%LDONT%R' > Just curious, since the workaround is fine for now.
some time ago, in an earlier age, Sven Guckes posted a sed or perl filter to hide "Subject:" additions, but I seem to have lost it, and he seems to be missing too :^( -- (paka)Patrick Shanahan Plainfield, Indiana, USA @ptilopteri http://en.opensuse.org openSUSE Community Member facebook/ptilopteri Registered Linux User #207535 @ http://linuxcounter.net Photos: http://wahoo.no-ip.org/piwigo paka @ IRCnet freenode