On Sat, Jul 01, 2017 at 08:41:48AM -0700, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
> On 2017-07-01 08:17, Antonio Radici wrote:
> > The only reason for the upstream switch was the code indenting
> > changes, which would have make the neomutt patch bigger than the mutt
> > source code, if we could get these in the main mutt source code that
> > can help any proposal to restructure the patch tree; just to clarify:
> > I'm not saying that this is a *prerequisite* for any proposal but this
> > is the main reason for the upstream code switch.
> > 
> > Do you feel that it is possible to come up to an agreement when it
> > comes to the same indentation? clang-format should take care of that
> > pretty much automatically.
> So, why can you not have a pre-configure step in debian/rules to run
> clang-format and apply neomutt's indentation conventions to mutt's code?
> I don't think you need upstream mutt's cooperation with that.

Good idea, but the patch is applied before the debian/rules commands
are executed. The method you suggest would change the code while
debian/rules runs, which is after the patches have been applied.

Kumar Appaiah

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