On Thu, Jun 01, 2017 at 11:09:40AM -0700, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
> Somewhat related:
> The latest (in fact, the only) mutt version in gentoo stable is
> 1.5.24.  When I roll my weekly gentoo upgrade I am warned that a new
> version of gpgme, namely 1.8.0, is available, but is not being
> installed because the mutt package has a versioned conflict with it.
> More precisely, it has a versioned depend on gpgme >= 0.9.0 && gpgme
> < 1.8.0.

That's odd.

> Is there a good reason for this restriction, i.e. a known
> incompatibility with gpgme-1.8 and later?

There shouldn't be.  While new functions are periodically added to
GPGME as features are added to GPG and its related projects, efforts
are made not to change existing functions.

That said, there are definitely some ancient relics buried in there
which will eventually be purged, but that work hasn't been done yet
and it's highly unlikely that any of it will affect Mutt, either
adversely or otherwise.  That's all the GTK2 stuff that's buried in
there, some of which is used with GPA, but most of it isn't used by
anything.  This was an error in GPG's dev path from years ago.

> I'd prefer to install the latest stable gpgme and be done with the
> warning.  Of course this is gentoo specific but if a mutt expert
> knowns of such incompatibility I'll probably hear about it faster on
> this list ;-)

It should be fine.  I was using Mutt 1.7 with various dev versions of
GPGME until recently when I switched to a somewhat customised (to look
at non-port installations of some things, including openssl and GPGME)
MacPorts installation of Neomutt with GPGME 1.9.0.  It works just

    bash-4.4$ echo bye | /usr/local/bin/gpgme-tool
    OK GPGME-Tool 1.9.0 ready
    OK closing connection

Most of the most recent changes in GPGME have just been extending the
native language support for GPGME.  Particularly Python, C++ and Qt.


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