Hi fellow mutt users,

I have recently switched from mutt's native IMAP+SMTP to using OfflineIMAP+Msmtp, via the Maildir format.

My mail is organised in nested directories, however these are not within the Maildir format, and OfflineIMAP changes them to be a top-level directory with dots; i.e., physics/admin --> physics.admin

This makes little difference to me, however now I cannot autocomplete with a glob. For example, I used to type: =*main<tab> and it autocompleted to =physics/SNO+/main, using the native IMAP support. This does not seem to work with dots in the name. I would have expected =*main<tab> to expand to =physics.SNO+.main, however this isn't the case, and I get a nop beep. However autocomplete works up until the next dot. =ph<tab>.S<tab>+.m<tab> will expand, but it's got a lot of manual intervention.

Any thoughts on how I can allow dots into the glob expression for folder traversal?

Matthew Parnell

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