On Sat, Dec 26, 2015 at 07:57:09PM +0100, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> El día Saturday, December 26, 2015 a las 08:34:58AM -0800, Kevin J. McCarthy 
> escribió:
> > For gpgme, mutt is just making gpgme function calls,
> > e.g. gpgme_op_decrypt_verify(), and then setting a flag to do a redraw
> > afterwards.  I don't see the code doing anything much different
> > between decrypt/verify and signing.

Ah... I was wrong.  For signing/encrypting when we're about to send an
email, mutt exits curses mode (calls endwin()).  But when displaying a
message, we stay in curses mode the whole time.

From your example, it looks like you are using the TTY-based pinentry
program, which probably would behave rather goofily when mutt is still
in curses mode.

Would you mind trying the curses enabled version?

Kevin J. McCarthy
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