El día Thursday, December 24, 2015 a las 08:58:55AM +0100, Matthias Apitz 

> Hello,
> ...
> it turned out, after bringing them up in the GnuPG mailing-list, that
> one only needs one(!) single value in .muttrc; and this works very
> nicely; I'm attaching the hint from this mailing list;
>       matthias
> > From: Werner Koch <w...@gnupg.org>
> To: Matthias Apitz <g...@unixarea.de>
> Cc: gnupg-us...@gnupg.org
> Subject: Re: signing mails with MUA mutt fails
> On Wed, 23 Dec 2015 18:54, g...@unixarea.de said:
> > To sign mails one configure in the MUA the command in the following
> > form:
> You should put
>   set crypt_use_gpgme
> into your ~/.muttrc to use the modern (ie. from ~2003) version of Mutt's
> crypto layer. it works much better that the bunch of configured commands.
> ...

One small problem remains:

When I need to decrypt a message which was ciphered with my pub key, the
following process chain is asking for the passphrase to use my secret

$ ps ax | egrep 'mutt|gpg|pin'
1909  -  Ss    0:00,01 gpg-agent --homedir /home/guru/.gnupg 
--use-standard-socket --daemon
1910  -  S     0:00,04 pinentry --display :0 (pinentry-tty)
1890  1  S+    0:00,22 mutt
1906  1  S+    0:00,06 gpg2 --enable-special-filenames --batch --no-sk-comments 
--lc-messages es_ES
1912  2  S+    0:00,00 egrep mutt|gpg|pin

In the mutt' terminal (a uRxvt) the screen is a bit mangled:

Invoking PGP...Please enter the passphrase to unlock the OpenPGP secret key:
"Matthias Apitz (GnuPGv2) <g...@unixarea.de>"
                     2048-bit ELG key, ID 6C7E963A56E2D675,
                                                           created 2015-12-22 
(main key ID FFEE762B922A6CBB).

i.e. the \n at the end of each line is not interpreted anymore as \n+\r;
also the ENTER key sends only a \r to the STDIN of pinentry which is not
understood either as the end of the keyed-in passphrase; it took me some
time to figure out that I have to use Ctrl-j to end the passphrase; with
this all is fine, apart of the mangeled message above;

Any ideas, apart of using the X11 version of pinentry?

Btw: When I sign a message and it needs the passphrase, all is fine like

Please enter the passphrase to unlock the OpenPGP secret key:
"Matthias Apitz (GnuPGv2) <g...@unixarea.de>"
2048-bit DSA key, ID FFEE762B922A6CBB,
created 2015-12-22.



Matthias Apitz, ✉ g...@unixarea.de, 🌐 http://www.unixarea.de/  ☎ 

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