El día Saturday, December 26, 2015 a las 08:34:58AM -0800, Kevin J. McCarthy 

> Mutt uses cbreak mode, but doesn't toggle raw/cooked mode anywhere as
> far as I can tell.  In this case, the "Invoking PGP..." message is
> output before starting to display an encrypted message.  It's
> generated by a mvaddstr() and refresh().
> For gpgme, mutt is just making gpgme function calls,
> e.g. gpgme_op_decrypt_verify(), and then setting a flag to do a redraw
> afterwards.  I don't see the code doing anything much different
> between decrypt/verify and signing.
> Werner, can you see anything different between
> gpgme_op_decrypt_verify() and gpgme_op_sign() and how they invoke
> pinentry if needed?

The improved version of my intermidiate script is:


save_state=$(stty -g < $GPG_TTY)
stty cooked < $GPG_TTY
/usr/local/bin/pinentry $*
stty "$save_state" < $GPG_TTY

i.e. does saving and restoring of the stty state. The problem with this
is, that the env var $GPG_TTY is stored in the proc context of the
gpg-agent daemon and if you run mutt from another xterm this does not
match the actual tty :-(


Matthias Apitz, ✉ g...@unixarea.de, 🌐 http://www.unixarea.de/  ☎ 

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Description: PGP signature

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