On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 08:23:25PM +0200, Heinz Diehl wrote:
> On 14.07.2015, Kevin J. McCarthy wrote: 
> > With mbox, I guess the designers thought there wouldn't be that much of a 
> > speed improvement
> > because it's just a sequential read of a single file.
> That sounds reasonable.

Except, as far as I can tell, it isn't.  I see no reason hcache could
not significantly speed up scanning mbox folders as well, at least on
any system that supports lseek() or similar (which I imagine is any
system that Mutt runs on currently).  The amount of benefit you'd get
from this would greatly depend on the nature of the messages stored in
the folder, though...  Folders of moderate size or larger, with mostly
large messages (or attachments) should see the most benefit, and those
with many small messages, or with very few messages, would see the
least (but still some).

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