On Thursday 25 Jun 2015 16:13:35 Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2015-06-25, Ben Fitzgerald <benfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I recently updated my google preferences and limited set "allow
> > unsecure apps" to "off".
> > 
> > Later I tried to login to gmail with mutt and found it no longer
> > worked as imap attempted AUTHENTICATE PLAIN over port 993 (SSL).
> > 
> > I'm a little confused about why google consider this unsafe.
> Ah, I think you've misunderstood what Google means by "secure".
> Consider the usage "the prisoner is secure, sir!"
> It means "closed, shut, locked, under control".  As in closed, shut,
> and locked _by_Google_, and 100% under control _of_Google_.
> Mutt has not be "secured" by Google, therefore it is not secure.
> 1/2 ;)
> I still use Google for e-mail, because it sucks less that all the
> other options I've tried...

Yes, I think Grant is right, but there may be more to it ...

After some googling, but please correct me if I got it wrong, I came to the 
conclusion that Google considers a single step authentication insecure.  Since 
mail clients typically use a username + passwd they will be deemed as "less 

If you use a 2 step authentication you will need to create an "application 
specific password" as described here:


then use this in mutt accordingly:


I suspect that this approach will no longer cause a problem if "Access for 
less secure apps" is turned off.

If however it still blocks login by mutt, then Google will expect that the 
mail client complies with XOAUTH2:


So the question probably is:

Does mutt comply with XOAUTH2 and will it send OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens to the 

A paragraph in the above link states: 

"As long as these libraries support the Simple Authentication and Security 
Layer (SASL), they should be compatible with the SASL XOAUTH2 mechanism 
supported by Gmail."

I suspect that "secure" mobile client apps use the Google API directly with 
OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens when they authenticate with Gmail/Calendar/etc. but I 
haven't looked into it any more than this.


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