On 2015-06-25, Ben Fitzgerald <benfi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I recently updated my google preferences and limited set "allow
> unsecure apps" to "off".
> Later I tried to login to gmail with mutt and found it no longer
> worked as imap attempted AUTHENTICATE PLAIN over port 993 (SSL).
> I'm a little confused about why google consider this unsafe.

Ah, I think you've misunderstood what Google means by "secure".

Consider the usage "the prisoner is secure, sir!"

It means "closed, shut, locked, under control".  As in closed, shut,
and locked _by_Google_, and 100% under control _of_Google_.

Mutt has not be "secured" by Google, therefore it is not secure.

1/2 ;)

I still use Google for e-mail, because it sucks less that all the
other options I've tried...

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! FOOLED you!  Absorb
                                  at               EGO SHATTERING impulse
                              gmail.com            rays, polyester poltroon!!

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