On Thu, May 08, 2014 at 06:37:21PM -0400, Guy Gold wrote: > The reason I'm using the !cat option is - like you mentioned, if > I only use ":r /tmp/file", then, things get 'messed' up. And, while > in mutt, I find out that I'm editing two files, not good..
Mostly I reply here due to a curiosity: Why is "'messed'" in single quotes here? I see people do this increasingly often, and I don't get why. English uses (double) quotes generally to indicate quoted language, or a word or phrase which is intentionally misused as an analogy or other figurative usage. Single quotes are almost never the correct choice: English only uses single quotes to denote a quote within a quote, or a couple of other really oddball cases... But the phrase "messed up" is perfectly valid English, albeit informal. There's no quoting required whatsoever. [There is some historical variation between British and American English, but British English as by-and-large switched to the American convention, and in any event that's not really relevant here.] On the other hand, that I'm replying at all to this probably means I've had too much rum. =8^) -- Derek D. Martin http://www.pizzashack.org/ GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02 -=-=-=-=- This message is posted from an invalid address. Replying to it will result in undeliverable mail due to spam prevention. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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